Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My hometown- Moji, Japan

My hometown is called Moji. It is in the north part of Kyushu island in Japan. There is a bridge called Kanmon-kyo connecting Kyushu and Honshu. It has a population of about 95,000 people.
Moji used to be famous for one of the biggest international ports in Japan. However, after World War II, this port became less popular. About 20 years ago, the former mayor decided to repair old buildings and make a new sightseeing spot called Moji-ko Retro. This project is succeeding. Our hometown started to attract lots of tourists. Last spring, the old styled, new diesel-train started to run as well. Already 180,000 people within 6 months rode on this slowest train in Japan.
Our hometown faces the sea, and we have lot of fresh fish markets. Especially Fugu (blow fish) which is a delicacy here and is most expensive fish in Japan.
Also, we have a very famous shrine under the Kanmon-bridge called Mekari-jinjya. Every lunar New Year’s day at dawn, 3 Shinto-priests go to the sea to cut seaweed, and give it to the gods. Even though it is a very cold and very early morning ceremony, many people come to see them every year.


  1. Japan is one of the country that I really want to visit.I hope one day my dram will come tru!. If you use a train in my country you will feel the train in you hometown going so fast!.

  2. Blow fish is very expensive and tasty but if it is not prepared properly it is dangerous.
    However I love it.
    I want to ride diesel train with my family

  3. Gai: your dream will come true soon, won't it Sean?? Slowest train is made for sight seeing on purpose.
    Mina: my brother in law has a licence to cut the blow fish. You can go their place! they work the inn. When you come here, you can stay there!

  4. I think your hometown is beautiful beacause
    It's a port city. I like sea!!!!
    We have similar ceremony for New year.
    people go to sea and pray in front of the
    rising sun.
